Non-fattening but just as fast as a fast food burger, I'm enchanted with custom designing my own handbag. I discovered where you can make your own style!
Choose hardware, fabric, handles, etc. and it instantly appears before your eyes via technology. Great prices, too from $45.00 to $150.00.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Have it your way!
Monday, March 24, 2008
A kid's party where the gift is giving...
The next time you blow tons of money on your kid's birthday party, think about doing it THIS way next time. A "Giving Birthday Party" is about giving presents, not receiving them. The kids bring used books, gifts and cake mixes and then proceed to fill a birthday box for a very needy child who ordinarily wouldn't get a birthday celebration.
Please check out
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Paparazzi Experience...if you're not famous.
As savvy readers of Variety magazine know, the term "non-pro" refers to people who are not in the entertainment business. Well, now we find they are sick and tired of NOT being famous. Enter Celeb 4 A Day, a service which offers paparazzi coverage to the average Joe.
They will follow you around with cameras, take your photo, scream out your name, give you a pretend publicist, and a pretend bodygard, and even mock-up a magazine cover with your photos!!!
Toooooo crazy, right? L.A, San Francisco and Austin, Texas so far, soon to expand to the hinterlands. The piece they did on them on The Today Show was hilarious.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tall, Dark and Handy!
OK, some of us single women don't know our way around a power drill, even if Barbara K made it with a blue girls, look what I discovered --- WWW.RENTAHUSBAND.COM! This site is the solution for your (handy)man needs.
We knew once you could rent a hot handbag at, getting a guy to get up on a ladder was right around the corner.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Get Your Mortgage Paid Off!!
I came across this amazing contest in Country Living magazine, a great publication that I read for tips on how to create comfy, cozy home environments -- which comes in handy in noisy, dirty, concrete New York City.
You could possibly win $250,000 to pay off the mortgage on your home! Enter at for more information on the sweepstakes...unfortunately, here in New York city, that wouldn't even make a dent in most people's mortgages.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Divapreneur is born!
Hey, we all know a lot of savvy women who start businesses for themselves...(like yours truly!), but now there's a wonderful new website devoted to helping them!
A new community found at is a great place for women to grow their businesses, network, find products, resources and just have fun! You need to be invited to join, so if you are interested, please contact me.